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Books to Breathe

Currently reading

Strip Search
Shayla Black, Aletha George
Fighting Redemption
Kate McCarthy
Ten Days of Perfect
Andrea Randall
Tough Luck
C.M. Stunich
Conklin's Blueprints
Brooke Page
Reckless Abandon (November Blue, #2)
Andrea Randall
Michelle Pace, Tammy Coons
Remy (Real, Raw & Ripped, #3)
Katy Evans
Remembering Joy
Jenni Moen
The Perpetual Quest for the Perfect Life - Michelle  Pace,  Tammy Coons Let me start out by saying that I absolutely LOVED this book. These two authors write so cohesively, you cannot tell when one begins and the other ends. Reading the blurb for this story, you think it will be all about one character and her love interest. But it is so much more than that!

You are drawn into this quaint, little Midwest town. Much like any small town in America, everyone knows everyone else, and all their lives are inexplicable intertwined. There are 6 different POV's in this book, which would normally make you think it would be a clusterfu**. But it totally works! You are there, with them, and it makes sense. And it is done well. And you fall in love with each and every one of them. All their quirks, their insecurities, heartbreak, falling in love, etc. All of it!

In their own way, everyone gets a HEA, but not all like you think. Be prepared to be surprised, be prepared to fall in love multiple times, be prepared to have your heart hurt, then healed. Be prepared for a great story!