16 Following

Books to Breathe

Currently reading

Strip Search
Shayla Black, Aletha George
Fighting Redemption
Kate McCarthy
Ten Days of Perfect
Andrea Randall
Tough Luck
C.M. Stunich
Conklin's Blueprints
Brooke Page
Reckless Abandon (November Blue, #2)
Andrea Randall
Michelle Pace, Tammy Coons
Remy (Real, Raw & Ripped, #3)
Katy Evans
Remembering Joy
Jenni Moen
Picturing Perfect - Melissa  Brown Wow! My heart literally swelled at the end. This is, by far, my favorite of Melissa Brown's books! You got a small taste of Jason in Champagne Toast, but you meet him full force in Picturing Perfect. And perfect he is <3 The relationship he and Hadley share, from childhood crushes, to misunderstandings, to finding each other as adults, swoon! Can't wait for the next installment in this series and to read Auden's story.